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    What Happens When You Get Hurt on Private Property?

    If you’ve been injured as a guest or visitor on someone else’s private property in the State of Florida, there are laws in place to help you cover the physical, financial, and emotional losses you experience as a result. In fact, private property owners owe guests a significant duty of care – or have a responsibility to their safety – under most circumstances. If you’ve been injured as a result of a private property owner’s negligence, it’s time to consult with an experienced Tampa premises liability attorney.

    Common Forms of Premises Liability Claims on Private Property

    Some of the most common forms of premises liability claims on private property in Florida include all the following:

    Common Causes of Accidents on Private Property

    Some of the most common causes of dangerous accidents on private property include the following:

    • Wet, slippery indoor or outdoor walkways
    • Poorly maintained walkways
    • Inadequate lighting
    • Unstable objects that are prone to falling
    • Failure to clear indoor or outdoor walkways of debris
    • Unstable seating
    • Poorly designed or constructed stairways
    • Poorly maintained escalators or elevators
    • Uneven walking surfaces or transitions
    • Flooring that is torn, bunched, ripped, frayed, or otherwise worn
    • Flooring that is overtly slippery in its natural state, such as highly polished marble

    The Elements of Premises Liability Cases in Florida

    There are specific elements that must be proven to bring a successful premises liability claim in Florida, and they include:

    • You were an invited guest on the private property, which means you weren’t trespassing, and it’s worth noting here that even trespassers have legal protections in some circumstances.
    • The private property owner owed you a duty of care, which means they shouldered a responsibility to your safety that extends to maintaining the property in reasonable condition and adequately addressing known risk factors – or risk factors they should have known about.
    • The private property owner failed to live up to their responsibility, and this failure was the direct cause of your injury-causing accident.
    • You suffered losses that the law recognizes as a result.

    Bringing a successful premises liability claim is a complicated legal matter, and having a focused premises liability attorney in your corner can make all the difference in your outcome.

    Reach Out to an Experienced Tampa Premises Liability Attorney Today

    If you’ve been injured because of a private property owner’s negligence, you need skilled legal guidance on your side, and the accomplished Tampa premises liability attorneys at Mickey Keenan P.A. look forward to the opportunity to help. Our savvy legal team will harness the full force of their experience and legal skill in pursuit of a settlement or court award that covers your losses in their entirety. For more information, please don’t delay contacting or calling us at 813-871-1300 today.