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    Why is it Important to Have Good Car Insurance in Florida?

    Too many motorists purchase coverage with minimum liability limits to save money. Understandably, nobody wants to pay high premiums, but if you skimp on your coverage, you could very well not be able to pay your medical bills or repair your vehicle following a collision.

    Our Florida car accident lawyers would like to discuss five reasons why it is important to have adequate insurance coverage in the Sunshine State.

    To Pay Medical Bills for You and Your Passengers

    You are only allowed to have $10,000 in PIP coverage in Florida. However, if you have serious injuries, this will likely not be enough to cover your medical expenses.

    That is why Florida offers drivers the option to purchase uninsured/underinsured (UM/UIM) motorist coverage. If you elect to buy UM/UIM coverage, you will be required to buy $10,000 per person/$20,000 of liability coverage per accident.

    To Get Reimbursed for Lost Wages

    A car accident can result in more than medical bills. If you are in a serious crash, you may be unable to work for weeks or even months. While PIP is normally used to cover medical bills, it will also reimburse you for 60% of lost wages, paying up to $10,000.

    To Prevent Paying Damages Out of Your Own Pocket

    You make every effort to be a model driver, but there are times when accidents are simply unavoidable. Florida’s minimum insurance requirements are often not enough to cover you in the event of a major collision. If the other driver’s injuries are more than your insurance coverage liability limits, the injured party could sue you to collect the rest.

    Even though Florida is a no-fault state, if another driver sustains serious injuries, the individual can exit the no-fault system to privately sue you. If a lawsuit is pursued and the other motorist wins in court, you could end up paying damages out of your own pocket.

    Florida Statute §627.737 defines a “serious” injury as:

    • Loss of a body function
    • Permanent injury
    • Permanent scarring or disfigurement, or
    • Death

    To Cover Damage to Your Own Vehicle

    Property damage liability (PDL) covers damage to another person’s vehicle if you are liable for the accident. But how will you pay for the damage to your own vehicle? This is where collision coverage comes in.

    Florida insurers may recommend either $25,000 or $50,000, depending on the market value of your car. Having this coverage will help you get back on the road faster.

    For Peace of Mind

    Knowing that you have a security blanket in the event of a crash can be invaluable. Nobody intends to get into an accident, but there is no predicting the actions of other drivers or other hazards that may present. If you are in a major accident, having good car insurance can help you get back on your feet sooner.

    A Florida Car Accident Lawyer Dedicated to You

    A car accident can happen in a split second, forever changing your world. Our Florida car accident lawyers have helped hundreds of accident victims recover the compensation they deserve. Contact us online or call 813-534-6913 to schedule your free case evaluation.