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    Prevent A Motorcycle Accident: Rider Safety Tips

    Florida’s year-round tropical climate is a haven for motorcyclists, but it is also the most dangerous state to ride a motorcycle.There are about 600 motorcycle deaths in Florida each year. If long drives are something that interests you, then make sure you are ready to ride safely.

    Mickey Keenan’s motorcycle safety tips are:

    • Use protective gear
    • Be seen
    • Don’t drink and drive

    Our personal injury lawyers explain each rider safety tip to help reduce the number of injuries and fatalities of motorcycle accidents.Get ready for your next motorcycle ride.

    Sharing the Road

    Motorcycle accidents are common in Florida because they can be harder to see. Motorcyclists simply don’t show up as well as cars,trucks, and semi-trucks. Other drivers may not see your smaller vehicle in their rear- and side-view mirrors.

    Sadly, Florida leads the US in fatal motorcycle accidents. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reports that about 600 fatal motorcycle accidents happen each year.

    When sharing the road, drive defensively and take steps to protect yourself. Be prepared before a potential accident with these tips:

    Motorcycle Safety

    Motorcycle Safety Tip: Use Protective Gear

    Wearing protective gear, especially a helmet, while riding a motorcycle is the easiest way to protect yourself. Wearing a helmet has three crucial safety advantages:

    1. Protects your eyes and face from debris
    2. Decreases the risk of head injuries
    3. Lowers the risk of dying in an accident

    If these three reasons are not enough to wear a helmet, know that Florida law (Florida State Statute 316.211) requires headgear and protective eye wear. There are some exceptions;you do not have to wear protective gear if:

    1. You are over 21 years of age and are covered by an insurance policy that has at least $10,000 in medical benefits for injuries.
    2. You are over 16 years of age and ride a motorcycle with a displacement of 50 cc or less or the motorcycle is rated no more than 2 brake horsepower, and which the motorcycle cannot propel over 30 mph on level ground.

    While Florida is a “no-fault” state and requires automobile drivers to carry Personal Injury Protection (PIP) coverage of $10,000 or more,this does not apply to motorcycles. Therefore, it is imperative if you do operate a motorcycle to make sure you carry a policy that offers comparable benefits if you are in an accident.

    Motorcycle Safety

    Motorcycle Safety Tip: Be Seen

    An easy tip is to make sure you are visible to other drivers. Always.

    We all know that motorcycles are often hard to see; they are smaller and often do not show up in rear view mirrors like cars and trucks. Luckily, there are some great precautions you can take to stand out and be seen:

    • Wear and use reflective gear, especially at night
    • Always keep your headlights on, not just at night
    • Always use your traffic signals
    • Stay out of blind spots
    • Use your horn when necessary

    If you end up in an accident despite using all these rider safety tips to be more visible, call an experienced motorcycle accident attorney. At Mickey Keenan P.A., we’ll fight for you like family.


    Motorcycle Safety

    Motorcycle Safety Tip: Don’t Drink and Drive

    We all know not to drink and drive, but that does not mean we always follow that advice. Summertime can be especially enticing with late-night BBQs, sporting events, or sunsets and that extra drink or two is hard to pass up.

    But remember, driving a motorcycle is inherently riskier than a car, so it is extra important to drive sober and alert. You should also make sure you stay alert for erratic and unusual driving by other drivers.

    Do yourself a favor and call an Uber/Lyft if you’ve been drinking.

    Experienced A Motorcycle Accident

    Owning and operating a motorcycle in Florida can be amazing. But with that intrinsic reward of riding a motorcycle comes the possibility of a life-altering accident due to the negligence of other drivers.

    At Mickey Keenan, P.A. our goal is to protect motorcycle riders at every stage of their journey. Call (813)871-1300 for a free case evaluation today.

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