Tampa Burn Injury Lawyer

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    No matter the situation, burn injuries can happen at large and small gatherings alike. While some burn injuries are minor, others can be intensely painful and permanent.

    You have a right to reimbursement if another person is responsible for your burn injuries. A Tampa burn injury lawyer can assist you as you navigate the steps toward compensation. A dedicated catastrophic injury attorney could help you start a claim today.

    Types of Burns and Potential Causes

    While any burn injury should be taken seriously and treated accordingly, there are four broadly recognized categories of burns: first-degree burns, second-degree burns, third-degree burns, and fourth-degree burns.

    The lowest level of burn is a first-degree burn, characterized by minor pain, redness, and swelling. Second-degree burns are known for blistering flesh because the damage extends beyond the top layer of skin. Third-degree burns are more extensive and identifiable by white or dark brown colors, charring of the skin, and leathery skin texture. Because they do not affect only the skin but also the tendons and bones, fourth-degree burns can be life-threatening and are the most severe.

    Any number of unfortunate circumstances can cause burn injuries. While an open flame can certainly result in a burn injury, many other situations can also lead to burns, including:

    • Hot metals
    • Electrical currents
    • Chemical compounds
    • Radiation
    • Hot oils or grease

    No matter the cause of the wound, burn injuries can require painful and expensive recovery. An experienced attorney in Tampa can identify what theory of recovery best suits a specific burn injury.

    Theories of Liability in Burn Injury Cases

    Many extenuating circumstances can combine to create a burn accident. Some people sustain burns from seemingly inane tasks, such as grilling or preparing Thanksgiving dinner. Others can result from more dire situations like a car or boat accident. Whatever the case, a burn injury lawyer in Tampa can weigh the circumstances against existing state law to determine the most effective way to file a claim.

    Many theories of liability exist for recovery in a burn case, and all depend upon the situation’s specifics. For instance, if the neighbors have not cleaned the grill used for cooking burgers all year, they could be responsible for the resulting injuries. However, if the grill has been properly maintained and, for unknown reasons, bursts into flames, a product liability claim could be possible.

    Product liability is a specific area of law that focuses on suppliers, distributors, and manufacturers of products. Individuals pursue most product liability cases under negligence or strict liability theories. Broadly speaking, these cases argue that a defect in the design or manufacturing of the product caused the injuries the victim sustained. Florida Statutes Annotated § 95.11 establishes that an individual has four years to file a product liability suit. It is vital for a victim of a burn injury to contact a legal representative to ensure they file their case on time.

    Call a Tampa Burn Injury Attorney Today

    No matter how you were injured or who is responsible, burn injuries can be traumatic experiences that leave permanent scarring or damage. A Tampa burn injury lawyer can guide you through your options as you consider pursuing compensation. If you have suffered a burn injury in Tampa, experienced attorneys are available to stand up for the compensation you deserve. Call today for an initial consultation and a summary of your next steps.