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Nate Pagliaro

Executive Assistant to Mickey Keenan

Nate Pagliaro

Nate Pagliaro is a talented executive support/operations professional. Raised in Indiana, he enlisted in the United States Army Reserve directly from high school. After completing training as a human resources specialist, he quickly deployed to Iraq. Returning to the United States, Nate continued full-time active service in the Army Reserve in various roles and assignments across the country. He earned his undergraduate degree in Human Resources Management and is currently finishing a graduate program in Public Administration.

The culmination of Nate’s enlisted service resulted in his selection to serve on the Headquarters, Department of the Army Staff in The Pentagon, Washington, DC. As the Executive Noncommissioned Officer to the Chief of Army Reserve, Nate managed the executive support and operations for an Army Lieutenant General with a command footprint exceeding 180,000 Soldiers and Civilian employees.

Prior to joining the firm, Nate seized an opportunity to pursue a lifelong passion for aviation. He was selected to attend the United States Army Warrant Officer Candidate School and the Army Aviation Rotary-Wing Flight School. After a demanding two-year training program, he graduated and pinned his Army Aviator wings as a UH-60 Blackhawk helicopter pilot. He relocated to Tampa, Florida where he now serves in a traditional Army Reserve status as an Aeromedical Evacuation pilot.

In 2024, Nate joined Mickey Keenan P.A. bringing his executive expertise and 17 years of military experience to the firm. He strives to increase organizational efficiency and accountability.