The Villages Personal Injury Lawyer

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    Personal injuries can happen to anyone in nearly any location. While you can’t control what has happened to you, you do have control over what you do next and how you handle the matter moving forward. If you or someone you love suffered an injury due to the negligence, carelessness, or intentional acts of another person or party, it’s in your best interest to hire an experienced The Villages personal injury lawyer. Your attorney can help you obtain the compensation you deserve for your damages.

    What is a Personal Injury?

    Unlike property damage, a personal injury occurs when there is physical or emotional harm arising from the actions of another party. Those actions could be negligent, careless, or even intentional. Individuals who suffer personal injuries are protected by civil laws, which give them the right to file injury claims and pursue personal injury lawsuits if those claims don’t settle to their satisfaction. The purpose of the claims and lawsuits is to recover compensation to pay for the damages resulting from the personal injury. Personal injuries can arise from the following circumstances:

    Most personal injury claims arise from negligence. When someone is negligent, they don’t act in a way that a reasonably prudent person would act. For example, a distracted driver running a red light or a hotel owner failing to fix large cracks in the sidewalk is negligent.

    Damages in Personal Injury Claims

    Damages are the financial expression of the losses, inconveniences, and other ways your personal injury negatively impacted your life. Damages can be economic such as medical expenses, lost future earning potential, property damage, and lost wages. They can also be non-economic, including:

    • Physical and emotional pain and suffering
    • Mental anguish
    • Scarring and disfigurement
    • Loss of consortium
    • Loss of enjoyment of life
    • Loss of a body part or function

    Inherent value determines the value of your economic damages. For example, if you spent $1,000 on prescription medications, you should be compensated $1,000 for them. However, determining the value of non-economic damages can be tricky as they are subjective. There’s no price tag on your pain and suffering. It’s one reason why it’s imperative to have a skilled The Villages personal injury attorney on your side during a personal injury claim. Without one, you may not get the maximum compensation you deserve for your non-economic damages.

    Frequently Asked Questions from our Clients

    Do You Have a Personal Injury Claim?

    Suppose you suffered an injury at the hands of another person or party. In that case, you might have a valid personal injury claim. However, the best and quickest way to find out if you have a legitimate personal injury claim is to contact a knowledgeable The Villages personal injury attorney. When you meet with them, they can assess the circumstances and severity of your injury to help determine how you can best move forward. The good news is that at Mickey Keenan, PA, our The Villages personal injury lawyers offer free, no-obligation case consultations. This means it costs you nothing to meet with a qualified attorney to learn about your legal rights and options.

    How Long Do You Have to File a Personal Injury Claim?

    Each state has its own deadline, commonly referred to as the statute of limitations for filing personal injury claims. In Florida, the personal injury statute of limitations is four years from the date of the injury or the date when the injury should have reasonably been discovered. For example, if you were in a motor vehicle accident on July 1, 2022, you would have until July 1, 2026, to file suit. However, if you had surgery on July 1, 2022, but didn’t learn until October 1, 2022, that your surgeon left a surgical sponge inside of you, the deadline would be October 1, 2026.

    Suppose you need to file a lawsuit to receive full and fair compensation for your damages. In that case, it must be filed within the statute of limitations set forth by the state. An experienced The Villages personal injury attorney can ensure you don’t miss this crucial deadline. Some circumstances can also change the deadline—for instance, if the at-fault party left the state or if the claim is on behalf of an injured minor child.

    What are Punitive Damages?

    While personal injury cases focus on the financial recovery of compensatory damages, some injured parties are also entitled to receive punitive damages. However, only a judge or jury can award punitive damages at a trial. If a case settles out of court, punitive damages won’t apply.

    Punitive damages are appropriate in cases in which the at-fault party acted especially reckless or without regard for public safety. For example, a drunk driver causing a car accident or a car thief trying to elude law enforcement might end up owing the victim punitive damages in addition to compensatory damages. If you think punitive damages might apply in your case, discuss them with your The Villages personal injury lawyer. Punitive damages are designed to punish the at-fault party and prevent the same future behavior from them or others, not to compensate the victim as compensatory damages do.

    Injured in an Accident? Contact a Seasoned The Villages Personal Injury Attorney Today

    If you or someone you love recently sustained injuries in an accident or due to a negligent, careless, or intentional action, our The Villages personal injury lawyers are here for you. We will get to work investigating your accident, determining who is at fault, identifying all sources of potential compensation, and defending your rights. Whenever possible, we settle your claim out of court. However, if the other party isn’t willing to provide you with a fair financial recovery, we are experienced trial lawyers who will litigate your claim.

    Call 813-871-1300 or contact us online today to learn more about how we can help you and schedule your confidential consultation with a reputable The Villages personal injury attorney.