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Five Most Common Summertime Injuries

Summer is here!

School’s out, vacations are starting, and there is a surplus of time spent outside enjoying the sunshine. Whether you are enjoying outdoor sports, a cookout, the beach, or a pool party, there is an increased chance of common summertime injuries. While these injuries can happen at any time of the year, the circumstances surrounding summertime activities bring about a greater risk.

The good news? Summertime injuries are mostly preventable. The attorneys of Mickey Keenan, P.A. have put together a list of the five most common summertime injuries and what you can do to avoid them.

Nothing says summertime in Florida like a visit to the beach,pool, or day boating or fishing. Unfortunately, these perfect summertime activities also come with an increased chance of injury and even death.

Not surprisingly, the number of drownings increases during the summer as well as boating injuries and accidents.

Make sure children and adults, when applicable, are wearing a life jacket.Children should always be properly supervised. Any adults who consuming alcohol should not be operating a boat or in charge of supervision. You never know when a day on the water can take an unexpected turn

Sport-related injuries are extremely common. Many from simply walking or hiking.

Kids are heading to the park to bike, skate, and scooter. Plus, Summer leagues, such as soccer, baseball, or volleyball are starting up.Even trampolines are getting extra use at home.

These accidents, while not always preventable, can be lessened with the right equipment. Proper footwear should be worn, as well as helmets and knee pads (if applicable).

As more people hit the road for vacations,there is an increase in summertime car accident-related injuries. There is no other time quite like the summer that brings about such an influx of drivers on the road.

Summertime equals more young, inexperienced drivers on the road. School is out! Summer is also the height of motorcycle season! Motorcycles are often hard to spot on the road because they are smaller than regular cars… make sure to look twice.

While it is not always possible to avoid a reckless or negligent driver, you should still take normal defensive driving precautions to avoid a car accident.

Dog-related injuries tend to be more common in the summer months.Why? Nicer weather may prompt owners to take their dogs on long walks.There also might be an inclination to take a dog off its leash.

These activities increase the risk for dog-related injuries. Dogs may show signs of anxiety, nervousness, or discomfort in social or loud settings. If a person, especially a younger child, approaches a dog and tries to pet it without asking permission, that dog could attack/bite them.

If you are a dog owner, think twice before taking your dog out in a potentially socially anxious situation and if you do, keep them on a leash. And remember, if you see a dog—even one that is leashed and appears friendly—always keep your distance and ask permission before you approach and pet the dog.

Not all injuries occur while you are on vacation or enjoying time off work. Many injuries also happen at the workplace.

Here are four all-too-common summertime work-related injuries that can happen due to an employer’s negligence or recklessness:


Dehydration is one of the most common summertime injuries, whether it is work-related or play-related. Signs of dehydration include headache, fatigue, and dry skin. Make sure to take extra breaks and drink water regularly.


Heatstroke, or hyperthermia,is a life-threatening condition that is caused by too much sun exposure. When your body begins to overheat, major bodily functions start to shut down.You can prevent heat stroke by taking frequent breaks, drinking lots of fluids, and working in the shade.

Slip & Falls

Outdoor work is increased in the summer months, which increases the number of work-related falls. An easy solution to preventing falls is to make sure you have the proper equipment and footwear necessary for your job.

If you suffer from a fall while on the job you may be entitled to workers’ compensation.

Motor vehicle accidents

Over the Summer, there is often an increase in work-related car accidents.Right now, more workers are on the road traveling. Add to that the increase in construction related-jobs in the area only increases the chance for accidents to occur at the job site or driving to and from.

Experienced A Summertime Injury?

After an accident when you’re hurt and in pain, don’t get the summertime blues. If you or a loved one has experienced a summertime-related injury, through no fault of your own, lean on us for experienced legal representation.

The personal injury lawyers at Mickey Keenan, P.A. can help you file an injury claim and fight for the compensation you deserve. To learn more about how we can help your unique case, contact our office at 813-871-1300 for a free consultation.